
Oils are commonly used in personal care products for their moisturizing and nourishing properties. They can be derived from natural or synthetic sources and are used in a wide range of products, including moisturizers, hair care products, body lotions, and facial oils. Some common oils used in personal care products include:

  • Coconut oil: A natural oil that is commonly used in hair care products and body lotions due to its moisturizing and nourishing properties

  • Jojoba oil: A natural oil that is similar in composition to the sebum produced by the skin. It is commonly used in facial oils and moisturizers for its hydrating and balancing properties.

  • Argan oil: A natural oil derived from the kernels of the argan tree that is commonly used in hair care products and facial oils for its nourishing and protective properties.

  • Olive oil: A natural oil that is rich in antioxidants and is commonly used in facial cleansers, body lotions, and hair care products for its moisturizing and nourishing properties.

  • Almond oil: A natural oil that is commonly used in body lotions, facial oils, and hair care products for its moisturizing and soothing properties.

Oils can help to improve the overall health and appearance of the skin and hair by providing essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants. They can also help to protect the skin and hair from environmental stressors and promote a healthy, radiant glow.

الزيوت تستخدم بشكل شائع في منتجات العناية الشخصية لخصائصها المرطبة والمغذية. حيث يمكن اشتقاقها من مصادر طبيعية وتستخدم في مجموعة واسعة من المنتجات ، بما في ذلك المرطبات ومنتجات العناية بالشعر ومستحضرات الجسم وزيوت الوجه. بعض الزيوت الشائعة المستخدمة في منتجات العناية الشخصية تشمل:

  • زيت جوز الهند: زيت طبيعي يشيع استخدامه في منتجات العناية بالشعر ومستحضرات التجميل بسبب خصائصه المرطبة والمغذية
  • زيت الجوجوبا: زيت طبيعي مشابه في تركيبته للدهون التي ينتجها الجلد. يشيع استخدامه في منتجات العناية بالوجه والمرطبات لخصائصه المرطبة والموازنة
  • زيت الأرجان: زيت طبيعي مشتق من ثمر شجرة الأرجان يستخدم بشكل شائع في منتجات العناية بالشعر وزيوت الوجه لخصائصه المغذية والوقائية
  • زيت الزيتون: زيت طبيعي غني بمضادات الأكسدة ويستخدم بشكل شائع في منظفات الوجه ومستحضرات الجسم ومنتجات العناية بالشعر لخصائصه المرطبة والمغذية
  • زيت اللوز: زيت طبيعي يشيع استخدامه في غسول الجسم وزيوت الوجه ومنتجات العناية بالشعر لخصائصه المرطبة والمهدئة

يمكن أن تساعد الزيوت على تحسين الصحة العامة ومظهر الجلد والشعر من خلال توفير الأحماض الدهنية الأساسية والفيتامينات ومضادات الأكسدة. يمكن أن تساعد أيضا في حماية البشرة والشعر من العوامل البيئية وتعزيز صحة البشرة

Carrot Oil
59.00 SR 59.00 SR 59.0 SAR
Enjoy the incredible benefits of carrot oil on your skin. It is packed with powerful antioxidants that protect the skin from free radicals and enhance cellular renewal, resulting in healthy and youthful-looking skin.
Carrot Seed Extract Oil
50.00 SR 50.00 SR 50.0 SAR
This oil is unique for its nourishing and moisturizing properties that promote the health and beauty of your skin and hair. Carrot seed oil contains a high concentration of vitamins and antioxidants that improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
Avocado oil
79.00 SR 79.00 SR 79.0 SAR
Avocado oil concentrate is an essential oil renowned for promoting healthy, radiant skin. This nutrient-rich oil deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, resulting in a youthful and luminous appearance. Its potent antioxidant properties contribute to its exceptional benefits.
Tamanu Oil
92.00 SR 92.00 SR 92.0 SAR
Tamanu oil is a precious oil derived from the nuts of the Tamanu tree, scientifically known as Calophyllum inophyllum. It is highly valued for its remarkable skin benefits and is widely used in skincare and beauty products.
Concentrated Neem Oil
102.35 SR 102.35 SR 102.35000000000001 SAR
Concentrated Neem Oil is a potent and versatile oil derived from the seeds of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica). Known for its powerful properties, this oil offers a wide range of potential benefits and is commonly used in skincare products.
Apricot Oil
103.50 SR 103.50 SR 103.5 SAR
Apricot Oil is a nourishing and moisturizing carrier oil derived from apricot seeds. It is commonly used in skincare products due to its beneficial properties for the skin and hair.
Raw Sweet Almond Oil
95.45 SR 95.45 SR 95.45 SAR
Raw Sweet Almond Oil (India) is a natural oil extracted from the kernels of sweet almonds (Prunus dulcis) grown in India. It is known for its mild, nutty aroma and numerous benefits for skincare. This oil is cold-pressed to preserve its natural properties and ensure high quality.
Wheat Germ Oil
115.00 SR 115.00 SR 115.0 SAR
contains a high percentage of vitamin C, which is anti-grain, anti-inflammatory and allergic, as it deeply cleans the facial skin from impurities, dirt and dust that closes the pores of the skin
Sidr Concentrated Oil
57.50 SR 57.50 SR 57.5 SAR
Sidr Concentrated Oil is a potent and aromatic oil extracted from the leaves of the Sidr tree (Ziziphus spina-christi). It is highly valued for its numerous benefits for hair and scalp health.
Sesame Oil
46.00 SR 46.00 SR 46.0 SAR
Sesame oil is a versatile and popular oil derived from sesame seeds. In skincare, sesame oil offers numerous benefits and is valued for its nourishing and moisturizing properties.
Raw Watercress Oil
65.17 SR 65.17 SR 65.17 SAR
Raw Watercress Oil is a nutrient-rich oil extracted from watercress seeds. It offers potential benefits for skincare.
Raw Thyme Oil
106.67 SR 106.67 SR 106.67 SAR
Raw Thyme Oil is a potent essential oil extracted from the thyme plant. It is highly concentrated and known for its versatile uses in skincare, applications.
Raw Sweet Almond Oil
183.34 SR 183.34 SR 183.34 SAR
Raw Sweet Almond Oil is a nourishing oil derived from the kernels of sweet almonds. It is a versatile oil that is widely used in skincare, haircare, and culinary applications. The oil is known for its lightweight texture, mild aroma, and various beneficial properties.
Raw Rosemary Oil
65.17 SR 65.17 SR 65.17 SAR
RAW Rosemary Oil is a potent essential oil derived from the leaves of the rosemary plant, scientifically known as Rosmarinus officinalis. It is highly valued for its distinctive herbal fragrance and a wide range of benefits for both skincare and overall well-being.
Raw Peppermint Oil
191.67 SR 191.67 SR 191.67000000000002 SAR
RAW Peppermint Oil is a powerful essential oil derived from the leaves of the peppermint plant, scientifically known as Mentha × piperita. It is known for its refreshing minty aroma and numerous benefits for skincare, haircare, and overall well-being.
Raw Parsley Oil
65.17 SR 65.17 SR 65.17 SAR
RAW Parsley Oil is a potent essential oil extracted from the leaves of the parsley plant, scientifically known as Petroselinum crispum. With its fresh and herbaceous aroma, this oil offers numerous benefits for skincare, haircare, and overall well-being.
Raw Onion Oil
65.17 SR 65.17 SR 65.17 SAR
RAW Onion Oil is a potent essential oil extracted from onions, scientifically known as Allium cepa. It possesses a distinct aroma and offers various benefits for skincare, haircare.
Raw Mustard Oil
65.17 SR 65.17 SR 65.17 SAR
RAW Mustard Oil is a potent oil derived from mustard seeds, scientifically known as Brassica juncea. It is known for its distinctive aroma and has various potential benefits for skincare, beauty, candles, and related applications.
Raw Lettuce Oil
140.00 SR 140.00 SR 140.0 SAR
RAW Lettuce Oil is a unique oil extracted from lettuce, scientifically known as Lactuca sativa. With its gentle and nourishing properties, RAW Lettuce Oil is primarily used in skincare, beauty, and potentially in candles for its soothing and hydrating benefits.
Raw Lavender Oil
65.17 SR 65.17 SR 65.17 SAR
RAW Lavender Oil is a popular essential oil derived from lavender flowers. It is used in skincare and beauty products for its soothing properties and adds a pleasant fragrance to candles.
Raw Laurel Oil
65.17 SR 65.17 SR 65.17 SAR
Raw Laurel Oil is a natural oil extracted from the leaves of the laurel tree, scientifically known as Laurus nobilis. It is widely used in skincare and beauty products for its potential benefits. If used in candles, it can contribute to a pleasant aroma.
Raw Hazelnut Oil
314.33 SR 314.33 SR 314.33 SAR
RAW Hazelnut Oil is a nourishing oil extracted from hazelnuts. It is prized for its skincare benefits and can also be used to add a pleasant aroma to candles and soap.
Raw Garden Cress Oil
140.00 SR 140.00 SR 140.0 SAR
RAW Garden Cress Oil is a precious oil derived from garden cress seeds. It is renowned for its skincare benefits and can also be used to add a pleasant aroma to candles and soap.
Raw Flaxseed Oil
51.75 SR 51.75 SR 51.75 SAR
RAW Flaxseed Oil is a nutrient-rich oil derived from flaxseeds. It is prized for its skincare benefits and can also be used to add a pleasant aroma to candles and soap.